What Is Blocked Fallopian Tubes, Their Types, Causes, And Treatment?

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Blocked Fallopian Tubes

What Is Blocked Fallopian Tubes, Their Types, Causes, And Treatment?

There are various reasons for women to suffer from infertility. Although, the most common cause that leads to infertility is undoubtedly blocked fallopian tubes. Almost 20% of the women population who are infertile suffer from blocked fallopian tubes. This is the reason why it is very important for you to understand the Blocked Fallopian Tubes Treatment in Ludhiana.

What Is Fallopian Tube?

Fallopian tubes are basically a pair of thin tubes that you have on either side of the uterus. The ovary releases the egg that gets inside the fallopian tube and then makes its way to the uterus for fertilization. In fact, the fertilization of the egg itself takes place in the middle of the way towards the fallopian tube. After that, the fertilized egg is implanted in the uterine wall, which becomes a fetus.

This is why a fallopian tube plays an essential role in order to make sure that the egg in the ovary reaches the uterus. With a blocked fallopian tube, this process is impossible as it prevents it from happening.

With the help of Test Tube baby treatment in Punjab, you can conceive a child even if you have blocked fallopian tubes.

What Are The Type Of Fallopian Tubes Blockages?

There are different types of blocked fallopian tubes based on the location. We have included some for better understanding.

  • Proximal tubal occlusion

It is a blockage that happens in the isthmus area, and it occurs because of an infection that might arise due to complications in a previous miscarriage, pelvic inflammatory diseases (PID), and abortion.

  • Midsegment tubal obstruction

It is a blockage that arises in the middle of the fallopian tube right towards the ampullary area. It is the same area that is very prone to tubal ligation damage.

  • Distal tubal occlusion

It is a blockage that significantly impacts the end of the fallopian tube that clearly opens at the ovary. It usually happens as an aftereffect of certain sexually transmitted diseases or infections (STD or STI), such as Chlamydia trachomatis infection.

  • Hydrosalpinx

It is a blockage that happens because of the fluid getting filled within the fallopian tube. This condition gives the fallopian tube a sausage-like shape. The closure of the tube follows it at the end, which opens into the ovary.

  • Chronic salpingitis

The bacteria infection is the leading cause of this type of blocked fallopian tube. Besides that, it also causes inflammation in the fallopian tube. If you do not opt for precise and proper treatment, this infection might develop into acute salpingitis. In this condition, the inner wall of the fallopian tube sticks together, leading to permanent damage to the tube as it swells up.

What Are The Causes Of Blocked Fallopian Tubes?

These are some of the common causes of blocked fallopian tubes:

  1. Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
  2. A side effect of surgeries
  3. Fibroids
  4. Endometriosis
  5. Sexually Transmitted Infections
  6. Genital tuberculosis
  7. Ectopic pregnancy
  8. Ruptured appendix
  9. Tubal ligation removal